Remote Healing

Spiritual Healing with Divine Love

spiritual distant healing

If you are close to my current location in Siemiatycze, Poland, I recommend that you come to me personally for spiritual healing and life counseling. Though if you are further away I can offer to you as well distant healing and distant counseling. Spiritual healing itself is completely independent of the place of the client and it works perfectly over any distance. An image of the person is fully sufficient for the spiritual healer to connect to the person and transfer Divine healing energy to him/her.

The healer simply concentrates on unconditional love and a deep connection to God (or use the word Love/Universe/Highest Being if you prefer). Therefore he can tap into the Divine healing power of God and then send this healing energy to the person in need. Each healing session is individual and of course there can be no guarantee for a complete healing, though most of the time the patient feels an improvement after the first session. Often there is a relief of pain and the person feels generally better. The healing energy could be felt as heat, cold, tingling or the attention of the client goes to the body areas, which need healing. Sometimes the customer even directly feels a beautiful energy flow or sees light. Spiritual distant healing is offered for an Honest Donation before the session.

Here a link to the Distant Healing FAQ with more information about the Distant Healing Sessions.

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Home: Spiritual Healer & Naturopath Deutsch: Geistheiler und Heilpraktiker

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